There are numerous domain name registrars. Listed below
are just a few, along with my comments, if I know anything about them. Note
that the domain name industry is highly competitive, with prices wildly
fluctuating throughout the year, every year, so it's impossible to really
mention accurate prices below. Please check their sites for the latest rates.
(Note: all prices are in US dollars.)
World's Largest Registrar -
— This extremely popular
registrar (possibly the biggest today) offers .com domain names for $9.99 (plus
20 cents) per year ($6.99 plus 20 cents if you transfer from another registrar).
They have a web interface to manage your domains, free web redirection (where
people who visit your domain will get transferred to another web address of
your choice), free starter web page, free parked page or free "for
sale" page, and an optional private domain registration where your domain
is registered in the name of a proxy company. They offer .com, .us, .biz,
.info, .net, .org, .ws, .name, .tv,, and Note that (as
with all registrars) the exact price varies depending on which domain you are
registering (for example some domain extensions are more expensive than
others). Both credit card and PayPal payments are accepted.
This fairly popular registrar provides fairly cheap domain prices ($15.75 plus
20 cents per domain), a convenient web interface to manage your domains, an
optional privacy facility where your domain name is registered in the name of a
proxy company, etc. They offer .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us, .ca, .tv,
.name, .cc, .de, .sr, .md,, domains, etc. If you're transferring
a domain here from other registrars, the price is even cheaper ($6.99 plus 20
cents). Both credit card and PayPal payments are accepted here.
— This domain name registrar has been in business for a
very long time: they were one of the biggest around when I started buying my
first domains. They are currently running an offer (only via the above link)
where they charge $9.99 for the first year for a domain name with a free
business email account. Domains qualifying for this offer include .com, .net,
.org, .biz, .us and .info. Country-specific domains have different prices. (Note:
you'll need to use the above link to get the $9.99 special offer. If you access
their site in some other way, you may end up with their regular price of around
$37, depending on the number of years you register.)
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